Million Tech has successfully achieved the Solutions Partner designation in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner program, marking a significant milestone for the company. As one of the pioneering Microsoft partners to attain the Solutions Partner designation in Digital & App Innovation (Azure), Million Tech demonstrates its unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in the technology industry.

The Solutions Partner designation by Microsoft recognizes an organization’s technical expertise, experience, and ability to deliver successful outcomes for customers, all in alignment with the Microsoft Cloud. This designation allows partners like Million Tech to differentiate themselves and stand out in the market, enhancing their relationship with customers.
The Digital and App Innovation designation further validates Million Tech’s capabilities in assisting clients in modernizing their existing applications, driving sustainable business growth, staying competitive, and improving operational efficiency. With the support of the comprehensive cloud innovation ecosystem built on Azure, Million Tech is well-equipped to empower clients in their digital transformation journey.
萬碧發展 (Million Tech)在Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program中成功獲得了Solution Partner的稱號,這是本公司的重要里程碑。作為首批獲得Digital & Application Innovation(Azure)Solution Partner 稱號的微軟合作夥伴之一,展示了我們對技術創新和卓越的承諾。
微軟的解決方案合作夥伴稱號突顯了組織的技術能力、經驗和成功為客戶提供解決方案的能力,與微軟雲服務保持一致,並幫助像萬碧發展這樣的合作夥伴在客戶中脫穎而出。Digital & Application Innovation(Azure)的稱號進一步證實了萬碧發展在幫助客戶現代化現有應用、可持續發展業務、保持競爭力和提高效率方面的能力。借助基於Azure構建的完整雲創新生態系統的支持,萬碧發展能夠為客戶的數碼轉型之旅提供強大支持。