Outsourcing IT servicing reduces downtime
One of our client, a famous Chinese medicine retailer with 60 stores in Hong Kong & Macau, they retail, wholesale, and manufactures traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products, and also empower people to live their best quality of life through accessible, natural health and wellness solutions.

The client has only 4 in-house IT staff members to support 60 Chinese medicine stores. The IT staff work only in office hours and lack expertise in IT hardware, thus making it difficult for them to fix POS and hardware problems, on time, in non-office hours. The client is looking for IT hardware support & maintenance services on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays.
Million Tech provided a POS remote helpdesk and onsite hardware support, up to 7x13x4 (Mon-Sun, 0900-2200, with 4 hours response time). Services included hardware swapping and repair services where necessary. IT installation and maintenance for new shops was also included.

Values created
Million Tech’s services not only reduce downtime of POS, especially during non-office hours, but also reduce the expense created by employing additional in-house IT staff to handle onsite calls. The client could store spare hardware and reduce downtime.