
Enhance participants relationship and user experience Gamification Solution ✓ Increase customer engagement ✓ Increase footfall and vistor traffic Solutions Rewards Redemption End user: Shopping MallProduct: Vending Machine, Portable Scanner
Enhance participants relationship and user experience Q&A Gamification Solution ✓ Provide Interactive game to public ✓ Educate customers Solutions Streamlining the operations using vending machine device and QR code reader End user: GovernmentProduct: Vending Machine
A distribution points of Covid-19 rapid test kitsAvoid Cross-contamination RAT Test Kit Distribution Solution ✓ Provide Human Contactless Distribution to students Solutions Streamlining the operations using vending machine device and octopus device End user: Primary SchoolProduct: Vending Machine, Octopus Device View More Vending & Kiosk Case Sharing
Fasten operation and enhanced customer satisfaction Our client is a new flagship F&B themed store in Hong Kong, offering Western-style fast food and boutique merchandise related to movie franchise. Challenges The client needs a comprehensive IT system and solutions to support the operations of their flagship restaurant. Solutions After consulting with the Million Tech IT
在創新科技界打拚超過35年、本地創科實業Million Tech核心成員之一的曾廣忠(Walton),見證了不同年代IT職位的盛衰,仍然十分看好並鼓勵年輕人投身創新科技產業。該公司近期開發的智能圖書館項目,是Walton經常引用的實例。
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早於2007年開始,本公司就為香港醫院開發「病人身份識別系統」項目,以QR code(二維碼)作技術應用辨認病人身份,可謂發展智慧醫院的先鋒者,有關項目至今已跨越16年。而Million Tech團隊亦以其醫院項目的多年經驗,近日開發出多項全新智能產品方案,適用於全港醫院,可全面配合智慧醫院的發展目標。
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最近有不少人向我問同一個問題,而當中有不少是初出茅廬、有意投身IT行業的年輕人。不約而同地,他們都問我:「AI人工智能是否真的會取代程式編寫員?」 可想而知,大家都是被近日的ChatGPT風潮所「薰陶」而心生疑惑。
在追求智能化、自動化的時代,不少需人手操作的簡單工作逐漸被機械所代替。成立於上世紀80年代的本港科技公司萬碧發展(Million Tech)正是以IT等技術為載體,研推自動化解決方案,助零售等行業解決人手不足的問題。