Our Features

Efficiency & Accuracy

Stock-take 1000 books in 1min

Professional Onsite Tagging Service

Tag 5000 books per day by our professionals

Integrate with General Library Management System in HK

Library Master, Library CEO, eClass Library module, SLS

RFID Library Equipment Series

Include self-service Machine, Security Antenna, Book Return Box, Smart Bookcase

Express Installation

Complete all installation and login setup within two weeks

365+ Services

Provide all-rounded onsite training & maintenance service

Now Channel 333 -【潮玩科技】智慧圖書館

【HOY TV - 智創未來精華】研RFID技術應用學校圖書館

Million Tech Smart Education's New RFID Smart Library School Visit and Sharing Event

How it works?

Stick and register RFID tags to the books by us

Self-service machine for borrowing/returning books in your library

Security Antenna for preventing books take away

Book Return Box for automatically returning books

Auto synchronization to your library management system

i.e Library Master, Library CEO, eClass Library module, SLS

RFID Handheld Terminal for stock taking and searching books quickly

Our RFID handheld terminal can help you stock-take 300 books in 22s.

Unlocking the Reading Universe,
Let Reading Take You on a
Magical Adventure

Diversified Learning

Explore Various Fields,
Expand Your Reading Horizons

Unveiling the Magic of Reading

Enter a World of Mystery and
Wonder with Students

Elevate the Reading Atmosphere

Enhance the Reading Experience through "Book Capsules",
Infusing Joy and Excitement into Reading

Real-time Monitoring for Streamlined Management

Exploring a Multitude of Books for Enhanced Diversity of Knowledge

Borrow with Synchronized Library System

Promoting Reading through Innovative Technology


Unleashing a World of Infinite Possibilities,
Harnessing Technology to Promote Reading

3 Delight Functions

Automated Library Stocktaking

Real-time book management, significantly reducing manpower and enhancing inventory efficiency

Assistance in Book Search

Inquire required books from Robrarian, automatically guiding to the relevant bookshelves.

Projecting E-Books

Robrarian is equipped with a built-in projector, capable of projecting and narrating e-books onto any available surface.

"One-Click" Automated Library Stocktaking

Stocktaking 400 books in just 40 seconds

Achieving an accuracy rate of 99% or higher

Voice Book Search:Fast and Easy

Bringing Reading Beyond the Library

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