【新聞稿】本地創科Million Tech 投入香港智慧醫院建設 3大產品方案 提升醫院管理效率
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
早於2007年開始,本公司就為香港醫院開發「病人身份識別系統」項目,以QR code(二維碼)作技術應用辨認病人身份,可謂發展智慧醫院的先鋒者,有關項目至今已跨越16年。而Million Tech團隊亦以其醫院項目的多年經驗,近日開發出多項全新智能產品方案,適用於全港醫院,可全面配合智慧醫院的發展目標。
- Published in Media
◤ 優質圖書館網絡 Quality Library Network , QLN X Million Tech 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學參觀暨分享會◢
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學參觀暨分享會已於2023年4月21日完成分享。 Million Tech 聯同優質圖書館網絡帶多間學校的圖書館主任參觀剛剛完成翻新的 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 校舍及圖書館,講解呂郭碧鳳的智能圖書館運作及RFID應用,對學校、圖書館主任及學生3方面的好處等。 一齊睇片了解智能圖書館為呂郭碧鳳中學帶來的價值: 透過這精彩的影片花絮,我們帶你進入「校園智慧圖書館的升級世界」。看看呂郭碧鳳中學多個學校圖書館領袖生介紹最新的圖書館設備,包括自助借還圖書機、RFID手提閱讀器、保安天線暨人數統計系統等。聆聽校長、圖書館主任、Smart Education科技業界及優質圖書館網絡主席的感受,他們分享了學校圖書館轉型的趨勢看法。 特別鳴謝單位: 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學 優質圖書館網絡
- Published in Event, Smart Education, Workshop
【Million Tech in Tech to Connect 4.0】
Friday, 21 April 2023
早前 Million Tech Development Ltd.參與了 WTIA 香港無線科技商會 舉辦的Tech to Connect 4.0活動。 創辦人Nelson 亦與創新科技及工業局副局長 張曼莉女士, JP 以及 香港無線科技商會主席 李勁華先生 一同參與開幕的亮燈儀式。 創辦人Nelson 分享如何利用智能貼標系統在傳統工業中智慧轉型,減低人手成本,繼而提升社會責任聘用弱勢社群,增加就業;及分享更多有關再工業化、新型工業,以至混合工作模式嘅一番見解。 亦在「工業4.0物聯領袖峰會」中分享及交流了有關工業物聯網、智慧工業、智能製造等相關項目技術議題 了解更多及預約體驗 Robotics Automated Labelling System :https://milliontech.com/robotics/
- Published in Event
【經濟日報】混合辦公留人才 港企員工雙贏 善用外流人口 遙距工作拓外地市場
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
全球疫情逐步降溫,本港防疫措施也全面鬆綁,部分企業更從遙距辦公回復至「舊常態」,要求員工重返辦公室。不過,有港企仍擇在後疫情時代繼續實行混合工作(Hybrid Working),認為這是讓公司和員工都能獲益的雙贏方案。
- Published in Media
Success Story: Smart Carpark System
Thursday, 06 April 2023
Smart Carpark SystemContinuous tracking of carpark and charging stations with IoT Technology Our client is managing carparks in multiple sites in Hong Kong, providing charging stations for the carpark users. Collecting the usage data is useful for the utilization analysis and planning. Challenges Automatic data collection from multiple devices at multiple sites is necessary, but
Success Story: RFID Tracking Lab Sample against Cheating (2)
Thursday, 06 April 2023
Benefiting anti-counterfeit efforts Our client is a government department’s special unit responsible for ensuring building safety by testing and inspecting construction materials standards. Challenges Typically, construction contractors identify their bricks using markings, but this can be problematic as the marks may be erased or changed, resulting in unreliable test outcomes. Furthermore, without a reliable tracking
Success Story: RFID Tracking Lab Sample against Cheating (1)
Thursday, 06 April 2023
Improved sample logistics traceability Our client is a Hong Kong-based global engineering, construction, and services group, providing quality projects and innovative solutions in China and Southeast Asia. Challenges Usually, construction contractors use markings on their bricks for identification, but this method can be unreliable as the marks can easily be removed or altered, leading to
Success Story: Appointment system for maintenance servicing
Monday, 03 April 2023
Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in the Hong Kong. They engaged maintenance contractors to perform maintenance of their properties. Challenges The client was looking for appointment and scheduling system for managing inspection and repair works of their properties. The system will be accessible by all parties by
- Published in Solution - Property Maintenance and Management, Success Story
Success Story: Equipment routine maintenance solution
Friday, 31 March 2023
Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in Hong Kong. It manages over 10,000 premises, including domestic blocks, commercial premises, shopping centers, car park facilities and etc. Building services equipment required periodic servicing and maintenance to serve best the customers, optimize the and stay compliance with the local regulations.