Improve both workplace safety, occupational health and efficiency We have maintained a decade-long partnership with major general hospitals in Hong Kong. Challenges The operational demands of local medical facilities have become increasingly complex. The daily needs for managing supplies and patient care are frequent, yet recruiting and retaining qualified personnel has become progressively challenging. Our
Enhance both workplace safety and efficiency Our client, U-Freight Group (UFL), one of the leading international freight service providers headquartered in Hong Kong, offers a wide range of services, including freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, and logistics solutions. Challenges The local logistics and handling demands have surged due to the rapid growth of e-commerce. Handling a
科技不斷進步,網路安全亦非常重要!校園及圖書館等都普遍使用IoT,如何加強這方面的安全性,是非常重要! 是次線上研討會邀請到犀兵科技有限公司創辦人及行政總裁馬裕杰先生和萬碧發展有限公司智慧校園項目總監葉詠恩小姐分享心得! 日期 2023年11月3日(星期五) 時間 2:30-3:30pm 形式 網上會議 語言 廣東話 參與對象 圖書館主任 或 資訊科技老師 過往智慧校園 Smart Education 活動花絮: 【已完滿結束】6月19日學校智能圖書館轉「型」線上研討會 ◤ 優質圖書館網絡 Quality Library Network , QLN X Million Tech 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學參觀暨分享會◢
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Million Tech較早前應中華基督教會桂華山中學及優質圖書館網絡(Quality Library Network, QLN) 的邀請出席「21世紀的複合智能圖書館總結分享會」。
香港小童群益會夜貓 Online網上青年支援隊 得知本土創科企業 Million Tech萬碧發展致力為校園打造智慧圖書館,一直都需要聘用兼職助理去為客戶處理「Tag書」的工作,即是把RFID貼於每本書的指定位置。雙方萌生合作的念頭,同共推出「智能圖書館項目助理」計劃,為弱勢青年提供培訓和就業機會。
Million Tech的IRLS團隊,早前應邀參與業界合作夥伴UFL Group的55周年慶祝活動,展示了最新的「智慧貼標系統」解決方案。
Million Tech聯合創辦人曾廣忠(Walton)近日接受香港電台節目《飛越大中華》的訪談,與主持人深入探討了香港科技創業的種種挑戰和大灣區市場的機遇。
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User Friendly and Save Manpower Self Payment System Solution ✓ Reduce Manpower ✓ Increase Efficiency and user satisfaction Solutions Streamlining the operations using kiosk device and receipt printer End user: LogisticProduct: Kiosk, Receipt Printer, Octopus Reader, Portable Scanner
99.9% accuracy and 3 times increment in productivity Our client is a logistic company, specializing in electronic component labelling. Unlike FMCG, all FMCG products have its own specifications labeling automatically from preloading, printing and then applying, while DSV was applying labels from identification scanning, printing UPC label and applying all manually. Challenges High risks of