
中學圖書館所提供的服務仍停留在80年代,只能於館內借還實體書,提不起學生閱讀興趣,以致使用率偏低,設施及硬件需升級提升。Million Tech 提供了整套智能圖書館方案 (Smart Library Solution)大大提升管理及校園閱讀氣氛。
Enhance efficiency and accuracy Reduce food waste Our client is a leading player in institutional catering, specializing in Chinese and Western cuisines and a variety of regional and continental dishes. They offer exceptional food, exciting dining experiences, and a range of hospitality services including events, off-site catering, and reception and pantry services. Challenges With numerous
Ensure food safety and Meet compliance standards Our customer is a Japanese-style light food specialty store, offering a diverse range of fresh and delicious options, including rice balls, sushi, rolls, and bento meals. Challenges The client prioritizes the use of fresh ingredients to produce top-notch food items. They have a high demand for label sticker
原來一個藏書量達20,000本的學校圖書館,需要花上2至3個星期做盤點的!但現在利用RFID技術即可改善圖書館管理,相關盤點半天內便可完成,一天也可以重覆盤點多達3次之多!Million Tech早前為呂郭碧鳳中學翻新設施項目,協助打造了全新的RFID智能圖書館,並有幸獲Now TV財經台邀請採訪。相關節目《潮玩科技》已播出,可點擊收看,深入了解關於如何應用最新科技提升學枚圖書館體驗的精采故事。