SME and Retail

Success Story on IT Support Service
Outsourcing IT servicing let “Service Reduce Service” Our client is a Marketing service provider with 50+ staffs, offers a range of strategic marketing solutions, including branding, digital marketing, content creation, social media management, and more. Challenges The client faced a shortage of IT expertise and resources to hire full-time staff, resulting in inadequate IT support
Success Story on IT Support Service

Success Story: IT Support Service – SME

Outsourcing IT servicing minimizes budget costs Our client is a Translation & Media service provider, provides relevant services across 80+ languages to more than 2,000 clients in 35 countries. Challenges The client needs to secure over 2,000 customer information with a large database, but lacks IT experts to manage hardware, software development, and maintenance, as
Success Story on IT Support Service

Success Story: IT Support Service

Outsourcing IT servicing reduces downtime One of our client, a famous Chinese medicine retailer with 60 stores in Hong Kong & Macau, they retail, wholesale, and manufactures traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products, and also empower people to live their best quality of life through accessible, natural health and wellness solutions. Challenges The client has only
目前許多大企業或中小企在實踐ESG時,比較容易理解及執行的也許是環境保護(Environmental),而公司管治(Governance)亦相對清晰直接。而論到社會責任(Social)的範疇就可能有點抽象。不少公司管理層,誤以為實踐社會責任就是捐一些款項給慈善機構,或叫員工做做義工就算數,有為做而做的心態。 企業要實踐社會責任,當然沒有那麼簡單。ESG所定義的社會責任,可細分為5個要點。
「既以為人,己愈有;既以與人,己愈多。」這句話出自老子的《道德經》第81章。它所說的就是「聖人之道,為而不爭」,即幫助別人愈多,自己反而愈充實;給予別人愈多,自己反而愈富足。 筆者太太是位虔誠的天主教徒,我每個星期日都會陪伴她到教堂參加崇拜。那間教堂有位神父常常引用許多中國文化、中國人的學說思維,來解說《聖經》的話語,令我十分喜歡聽他講道,從中獲益甚多。
近期不論是創科企業或一般企業的管理層,日日夜夜都要想著3個英文字母——「ESG」,這其實是環境保護(Environmental)、社會責任(Social)及公司管治(Governance)的英文單字縮寫。相信有留意財經新聞的朋友,都會經常看到ESG這個流行新詞。 ESG所代表的,是一種企業責任、永續投資的概念。近年全球愈來愈多個人及機構投資者,在審視投資項目時,除了固有從財務報表、公司潛力、管理人員等角度去檢討外,現在還會重視參考ESG概念評分。因為愈來愈多數據顯示,ESG評分愈高的公司,當遇上金融危機的時候,所受的影響亦愈低。
新冠疫情席捲全球,令大眾生活產生很大的改變,尤其是商業社會,老闆和員工的相處出現新模式。因應疫情發展到第五波,政府曾一再呼籲企業讓員工在家工作(Work from home,WFH),企業應當怎樣安排?