Success Story

Enhance both workplace safety and efficiency Our client, U-Freight Group (UFL), one of the leading international freight service providers headquartered in Hong Kong, offers a wide range of services, including freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, and logistics solutions. Challenges The local logistics and handling demands have surged due to the rapid growth of e-commerce. Handling a
User Friendly and Save Manpower Self Payment System Solution ✓ Reduce Manpower ✓ Increase Efficiency and user satisfaction Solutions Streamlining the operations using kiosk device and receipt printer End user: LogisticProduct: Kiosk, Receipt Printer, Octopus Reader, Portable Scanner
99.9% accuracy and 3 times increment in productivity Our client is a logistic company, specializing in electronic component labelling. Unlike FMCG, all FMCG products have its own specifications labeling automatically from preloading, printing and then applying, while DSV was applying labels from identification scanning, printing UPC label and applying all manually. Challenges High risks of
Save Time and Cost Diversion System Solution ✓ Improved Employee Efficiency Solutions Streamlining the operations using kiosk device and receipt printer End user: HospitalProduct: Kiosk, QR Code Reader, Octopus Reader
Create brand awareness and Enhance exposure sale spot Solution ✓ Enhance exposure rate ✓ Increase interactive with customers Solutions Promotion / Sale Spot End user: Clinic / University CampusProduct: Vending Machine, Octopus Reader
Enhance customer engagement and user experience SALE SPOT Solution ✓ Increase customer engagement ✓ Increase footfall and vistor traffic Solutions Promotional Sale Spot End user: Shopping Mall / AirportProduct: Vending Machine, Octopus Reader, Portable Scanner
Enhance customer engagement and user experience Gamification Solution ✓ Increase customer engagement ✓ Increase footfall and vistor traffic Solutions Rewards Redemption End user: Shopping MallProduct: Vending Machine, Portable Scanner
面對的挑戰及痛點 校內圖書館的設備跟不上時代轉變,加上藏書管理愈見繁複,學校因而想一併裝修圖書館,打造一個全新的智能圖書館暨活動空間,尋找合適的設計及方案。 解決方案 Million Tech 提供了整套智能圖書館方案(Smart Library Solution),包括: Tag書圖書定位服務:以RFID技術可以幫助職員輕鬆定位圖書所在位置,作搜尋及盤點。 RFID 24小時借還圖書櫃:把借還服務延伸至圖書館開放時間以外,更方便推廣特定的閱讀精選活動。 RFID 自助還書箱:同學自行投放圖書於箱內,以RFID技術識別便可完成還書手續。 置頂式保安系統:學生如把沒有完成借閱手續的圖書帶離圖書館,將會響起警報。 自助借還書系統:同學只要自行掃瞄圖書RFID及學生證,便可完成圖書借還手續。 成效 因為設備的便利,圖書館主任有更多的時間專注推廣閱讀,舉辦更多相關的活動,直接有效加強學生校內的學習及閱讀興趣,令學校圖書的借閱率比往年大大提升55%。
中學圖書館所提供的服務仍停留在80年代,只能於館內借還實體書,提不起學生閱讀興趣,以致使用率偏低,設施及硬件需升級提升。Million Tech 提供了整套智能圖書館方案 (Smart Library Solution)大大提升管理及校園閱讀氣氛。