Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in the Hong Kong. It manages over 2,000 domestic premises in all regions and districts, including outlying islands. As a responsible landlord, it is required to conduct maintenance and improvement to ensure a safe and pleasant living environment of all residents. The
Tripling productivity while cutting manpower by 50% Our client is one of top Asian beauty product retailer with 80 branches in Hong Kong. They offer an extensive range of quality products, including skincare, fragrance, make-up, hair care, body care, and health supplements. Challenges The department needed to label a large number of beauty and cosmetics
Reduced labor and increased productivity by over 2 time Our Client is one of oldest traditional Chinese Bakery, specializes in traditional Chinese pastries and local snacks. The shop prides itself on producing high-quality food products and meticulously designed food packaging for Hong Kong locals and overseas. Challenges Desmond Wong Wai-leung, CEO of Hang Heung Cake

5years+ Caring Company

Million Tech has garnered the 5 Years Plus Caring Company award by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
發展智慧城市是全球大勢所趨,當中「教育科技」更是重要一環。為推動香港智慧校園普及化,本地科技數碼發展及方案供應商Million Tech開發了「智能圖書館系統」,能改善師生的圖書館體驗,並加強圖書館管理效能,及減省老師行政工作。
本港今年1月爆發第五波疫情,酒吧被迫停業逾4個月,業界「屍橫遍野」。隨着5月中政府批准酒吧重開,全港有48間分店的太平洋酒吧(Bar Pacific,08432)率先出招,在旗下半數分店引入智能自助機,售賣零食及酒吧派對小用品等,冀創造額外收入。集團創辦人陳威接受訪問時透露,目前生意額回升至疫情前80%至90%,未來會積極進軍B2B(企業對企業)業務,開拓更多收入來源,追回失去的時光。


為期3天的《學與教博覽2022》(Learning and Teaching Expo)已於2022年12月7日至9日假香港會議展覽中心圓滿舉行。每年博覽都會吸引不同展商展示多元化的教學新科技,今年Million Tech就為大家帶來最新的 「全方位智能圖書館系統」。
Million Tech 的IRLS團隊已於11月28至29日參與了假香港生產力促進局大樓(HKPC)舉行的《LOGTECH Expo 物流科技博覽2022》。