Million Tech一直致力培養人材,在不同部門都樂意聘請實習生及剛畢業的新鮮人!而在現今世代全球都智能化、AI化,更令很多學生都立志投身IT行業參與智能及AI的工程。是次Million Tech 獲得香港基督教女青年會的邀請,為天水圍區的中學生講解一下本地科技數碼發展及參觀公司近年的重點發展項目等。
醫療事故一宗也嫌多,近日威爾斯親王醫院發生嚴重醫療事故,一名早產嬰兒因護士未有開啟輸注管的活栓致無法輸入藥物,最終不幸離世。「安全」和「人手」,絕對是醫院現時最急切面對的問題。有本地創科最新推出智能產品方案,包括智能櫃、智能運輸車及 OCR 病人識別系統,透過科技改善工作流程,減輕醫院前線員工工作量,進一步保障病人安全,部分方案已獲醫院採用。
Million Tech新款條碼掃描器擁有先進敏銳的解碼算法,能夠滿足各種場景的掃描需求,讓讀取流程更快捷準確,提高工作效率!此外,我們提供全年365日全方位本地專業保養支援服務,讓你無需擔心任何機件故障!
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Save Time and Cost Diversion System Solution ✓ Improved Employee Efficiency Solutions Streamlining the operations using kiosk device and receipt printer End user: HospitalProduct: Kiosk, QR Code Reader, Octopus Reader
Enhance Engagement and customer experience Game Registration Solution ✓ Automated Game Sign In for Marketing Event ✓ Enhance Engagement with Participants Solutions Streamlining resource for marketing event End user: Internal / Event AgencyProduct: Kiosk, Receipt Printer
Create brand awareness and Enhance exposure sale spot Solution ✓ Enhance exposure rate ✓ Increase interactive with customers Solutions Promotion / Sale Spot End user: Clinic / University CampusProduct: Vending Machine, Octopus Reader
Enhance customer engagement and user experience SALE SPOT Solution ✓ Increase customer engagement ✓ Increase footfall and vistor traffic Solutions Promotional Sale Spot End user: Shopping Mall / AirportProduct: Vending Machine, Octopus Reader, Portable Scanner
Enhance customer engagement and user experience Gamification Solution ✓ Increase customer engagement ✓ Increase footfall and vistor traffic Solutions Rewards Redemption End user: Shopping MallProduct: Vending Machine, Portable Scanner