Auto-ID Solutions

Enhance both workplace safety and efficiency Our client, U-Freight Group (UFL), one of the leading international freight service providers headquartered in Hong Kong, offers a wide range of services, including freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, and logistics solutions. Challenges The local logistics and handling demands have surged due to the rapid growth of e-commerce. Handling a
在以往的年代,許多零售店舖都會不時貼出「是日盤點,休業一天」的告示。那是因為在那些年,零售店舖進行盤點都是全賴人手,由店舖職員們以目測和人手去點算貨架及倉庫中的存貨。今時今日,盤點工作已經引入高科技,再不是只靠人力。不少跨國零售企業都已應用 RFID 技術去管理供應鏈、庫存和銷售,盤點工作亦已全面數碼化。
醫療事故一宗也嫌多,近日威爾斯親王醫院發生嚴重醫療事故,一名早產嬰兒因護士未有開啟輸注管的活栓致無法輸入藥物,最終不幸離世。「安全」和「人手」,絕對是醫院現時最急切面對的問題。有本地創科最新推出智能產品方案,包括智能櫃、智能運輸車及 OCR 病人識別系統,透過科技改善工作流程,減輕醫院前線員工工作量,進一步保障病人安全,部分方案已獲醫院採用。
Million Tech新款條碼掃描器擁有先進敏銳的解碼算法,能夠滿足各種場景的掃描需求,讓讀取流程更快捷準確,提高工作效率!此外,我們提供全年365日全方位本地專業保養支援服務,讓你無需擔心任何機件故障!
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早於2007年開始,本公司就為香港醫院開發「病人身份識別系統」項目,以QR code(二維碼)作技術應用辨認病人身份,可謂發展智慧醫院的先鋒者,有關項目至今已跨越16年。而Million Tech團隊亦以其醫院項目的多年經驗,近日開發出多項全新智能產品方案,適用於全港醫院,可全面配合智慧醫院的發展目標。
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Bus Management / Bus Park Information SystemKeep track of Bus in and out with location stated at the bus station Our client is a public transportation agency in Hong Kong that offers daily bus services. They have adopted innovative technologies and environmentally-friendly solutions to improve safety, service quality, and operational efficiency for the public. Challenges
IPMOE (Inpatient Medication Order Entry) Training SystemImproved accuracy by 78% and reduced medical errors by 30% Our clients are nursing schools that offer rigorous training to produce qualified healthcare professionals capable of delivering high-quality nursing services. Challenges As electronic medical records become increasingly popular, the IPMOE System serves as a vital component of the content