Labelling Solutions

30% increase in available manpower and enhance overall operational efficiency Our client is the Hong Kong’s leading supermarket chain and one of the most trusted brands in Hong Kong. Offering wide range of products every day, it now operates more than 250 outlets in both Hong Kong and Macau. Challenges The client regularly receives large
Million Tech的IRLS團隊,早前應邀參與業界合作夥伴UFL Group的55周年慶祝活動,展示了最新的「智慧貼標系統」解決方案。
99.9% accuracy and 3 times increment in productivity Our client is a logistic company, specializing in electronic component labelling. Unlike FMCG, all FMCG products have its own specifications labeling automatically from preloading, printing and then applying, while DSV was applying labels from identification scanning, printing UPC label and applying all manually. Challenges High risks of
Million Tech一直致力培養人材,在不同部門都樂意聘請實習生及剛畢業的新鮮人!而在現今世代全球都智能化、AI化,更令很多學生都立志投身IT行業參與智能及AI的工程。是次Million Tech 獲得香港基督教女青年會的邀請,為天水圍區的中學生講解一下本地科技數碼發展及參觀公司近年的重點發展項目等。
Enhance efficiency and accuracy Reduce food waste Our client is a leading player in institutional catering, specializing in Chinese and Western cuisines and a variety of regional and continental dishes. They offer exceptional food, exciting dining experiences, and a range of hospitality services including events, off-site catering, and reception and pantry services. Challenges With numerous
Ensure food safety and Meet compliance standards Our customer is a Japanese-style light food specialty store, offering a diverse range of fresh and delicious options, including rice balls, sushi, rolls, and bento meals. Challenges The client prioritizes the use of fresh ingredients to produce top-notch food items. They have a high demand for label sticker
早前 Million Tech Development Ltd.參與了 WTIA 香港無線科技商會 舉辦的Tech to Connect 4.0活動。 創辦人Nelson 亦與創新科技及工業局副局長 張曼莉女士, JP 以及 香港無線科技商會主席 李勁華先生 一同參與開幕的亮燈儀式。 創辦人Nelson 分享如何利用智能貼標系統在傳統工業中智慧轉型,減低人手成本,繼而提升社會責任聘用弱勢社群,增加就業;及分享更多有關再工業化、新型工業,以至混合工作模式嘅一番見解。 亦在「工業4.0物聯領袖峰會」中分享及交流了有關工業物聯網、智慧工業、智能製造等相關項目技術議題 了解更多及預約體驗 Robotics Automated Labelling System :