
香港基督教女青年會 X Million Tech 中學生職場體驗實習活動 —2024,為期三日為天水圍區的中學生講解一下本地科技數碼發展及參觀公司近年的重點發展項目
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Microsoft Solution Partner
Million Tech has successfully achieved the Solutions Partner designation in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner program, marking a significant milestone for the company.
Million Tech一直致力培養人材,在不同部門都樂意聘請實習生及剛畢業的新鮮人!而在現今世代全球都智能化、AI化,更令很多學生都立志投身IT行業參與智能及AI的工程。是次Million Tech 獲得香港基督教女青年會的邀請,為天水圍區的中學生講解一下本地科技數碼發展及參觀公司近年的重點發展項目等。

Success Story: Smart Carpark System

Smart Carpark SystemContinuous tracking of carpark and charging stations with IoT Technology Our client is managing carparks in multiple sites in Hong Kong, providing charging stations for the carpark users. Collecting the usage data is useful for the utilization analysis and planning. Challenges Automatic data collection from multiple devices at multiple sites is necessary, but
Benefiting anti-counterfeit efforts Our client is a government department’s special unit responsible for ensuring building safety by testing and inspecting construction materials standards. Challenges Typically, construction contractors identify their bricks using markings, but this can be problematic as the marks may be erased or changed, resulting in unreliable test outcomes. Furthermore, without a reliable tracking
Improved sample logistics traceability Our client is a Hong Kong-based global engineering, construction, and services group, providing quality projects and innovative solutions in China and Southeast Asia. Challenges Usually, construction contractors use markings on their bricks for identification, but this method can be unreliable as the marks can easily be removed or altered, leading to
Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in the Hong Kong. They engaged maintenance contractors to perform maintenance of their properties. Challenges The client was looking for appointment and scheduling system for managing inspection and repair works of their properties. The system will be accessible by all parties by
Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in Hong Kong. It manages over 10,000 premises, including domestic blocks, commercial premises, shopping centers, car park facilities and etc. Building services equipment required periodic servicing and maintenance to serve best the customers, optimize the and stay compliance with the local regulations.
Our client is one of the largest landlord in the Hong Kong. They managed and provided over 800,000 rental flats and non-domestic properties such as shop, office and car parking spaces. Challenges Each estates managed their own maintenance request logbooks in the hard copies. The coordination with the engineering team are different among all estates.