SME and Retail

移民潮、少子化問題衝擊職場,各行各業都在急增聘人手,不少企業面對嚴峻的人才荒。搶人才大戰持續進行,留住員工也同樣重要。以往企業多出動重金利誘挽留人才;但現今世代,企業留住員工的重要關鍵,就是要打造出高效的工作環境。良好的工作環境不但令員工愉快工作、提高工作效率外,更能提升歸屬感,同時也可節省成本。科技公司Million Tech,除了實行 WFH(在家工作)政策外,也為員工提供健康獎賞,目的也為留住人才。
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Million Tech一直致力培養人材,在不同部門都樂意聘請實習生及剛畢業的新鮮人!而在現今世代全球都智能化、AI化,更令很多學生都立志投身IT行業參與智能及AI的工程。是次Million Tech 獲得香港基督教女青年會的邀請,為天水圍區的中學生講解一下本地科技數碼發展及參觀公司近年的重點發展項目等。
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Fasten operation and enhanced customer satisfaction Our client is a new flagship F&B themed store in Hong Kong, offering Western-style fast food and boutique merchandise related to movie franchise. Challenges The client needs a comprehensive IT system and solutions to support the operations of their flagship restaurant. Solutions After consulting with the Million Tech IT
在創新科技界打拚超過35年、本地創科實業Million Tech核心成員之一的曾廣忠(Walton),見證了不同年代IT職位的盛衰,仍然十分看好並鼓勵年輕人投身創新科技產業。該公司近期開發的智能圖書館項目,是Walton經常引用的實例。
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最近有不少人向我問同一個問題,而當中有不少是初出茅廬、有意投身IT行業的年輕人。不約而同地,他們都問我:「AI人工智能是否真的會取代程式編寫員?」 可想而知,大家都是被近日的ChatGPT風潮所「薰陶」而心生疑惑。
全球疫情逐步降溫,本港防疫措施也全面鬆綁,部分企業更從遙距辦公回復至「舊常態」,要求員工重返辦公室。不過,有港企仍擇在後疫情時代繼續實行混合工作(Hybrid Working),認為這是讓公司和員工都能獲益的雙贏方案。
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Success Story: IT Support Service (3)

Lowered costs and Improved customer satisfaction Our client is one of the large home furnishing chain stores in Hong Kong, offering affordable furniture, household items, and decor products. Challenges The client needs digital signage for retail display and promotion but lacks IT professionals for software development and hardware maintenance. Solutions Million Tech offered comprehensive IT

Success Story: IT Support Service (2)

Reduced Business Losses and Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Our client is one of the amusement theme parks featuring different characters, thrilling rides, food & beverages, and live entertainment. Challenges The client requires IT professionals to manage and maintain the POS system and accessories in the park. They have high demands for SLA, including a 15-minute response