
隨著時代變遷及科技進步,校園的規劃亦要趕上時代步伐而不斷提升! 而ESG-符合環保﹑社會責任及管治理念﹑智能化等更是現今未來的大趨勢!是次研討會除了主要講解規劃裝修時如何運用綠色建材為學生營造環保的氛圍,打造智能閱讀空間等提升學生的閱讀興趣等。 是次線上研討會邀請到集寶建業有限公司銷售經理張天欣小姐及萬碧發展有限公司智慧校園項目總監葉詠恩小姐分享心得! 日期 2024年3月22日(星期五) 時間 3:30-4:30pm 形式 網上會議 語言 廣東話 參與對象 圖書館主任 或 資訊科技老師 過往智慧校園 Smart Education 活動花絮: 【學與教博覽2023】H01展位花絮 / LTE2023 【已完滿結束】11月3日圖書館的安全隱患 – 線上研討會
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Success Story: Voice Picking System (3)

Improved Efficiency by 50% through Consolidation of Orders and Optimized Travel Paths Our client is a global supplier of pneumatic and electric drive technology for factory and process automation, operating in over 60 countries. They also have a headquarters in Mainland China, providing comprehensive solutions for industries such as automotive, rubber, food and beverage packaging,

Success Story: Voice Picking System (2)

Twice the Efficiency in Picking and 99.9% Accuracy in Shipping Achieved Our client is an international courier service established in Guangdong Province, China in the early 1990s. The company is dedicated to improving service quality, investing in facilities, and developing and implementing IT technologies and equipment for automated operations. Challenges The project deals with high-quality

Success Story: Voice Picking System (1)

Enhanced productivity by up to 30% and reduced training costs and time by up to 80% Our client is a high-end lifestyle chain with 4 Hong Kong stores, offering a top-notch variety of global gourmet products. Challenges Due to a high volume of e-shop orders and a peak season turnover rate, our client seeks a

Success Story: IT Support Service (3)

Lowered costs and Improved customer satisfaction Our client is one of the large home furnishing chain stores in Hong Kong, offering affordable furniture, household items, and decor products. Challenges The client needs digital signage for retail display and promotion but lacks IT professionals for software development and hardware maintenance. Solutions Million Tech offered comprehensive IT
Reduced Business Losses and Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Our client is one of the amusement theme parks featuring different characters, thrilling rides, food & beverages, and live entertainment. Challenges The client requires IT professionals to manage and maintain the POS system and accessories in the park. They have high demands for SLA, including a 15-minute response